Where our money comes from and where it goes
We’re a charity relying on generous donations from our church members for most of the income that is spent on regular ministry.
What can church members do?
Over 2300 verses in the Bible refer to money, wealth and possessions. Jesus talked about them frequently and over a third of his parables involved these topics. So we’re not embarrassed to raise the issue and we hope you’ll want to take part. If you don’t regularly contribute to the work of St Michael’s, we hope you’ll join in. And if you’re already a member of our Planned Giving Scheme, we hope you’ll review your giving.
Without an increase in our giving, it won’t be possible to achieve all that we want.
There are five things you can consider right now:
- Donate by giving a one-off gift by clicking here: DONATE
Give within the service via a giving envelope. Please make any cheques payable to “St Michael’s PCC No.2 Acc”.
If you are already a member you can review the amount you give
Setup a standing order. Our account number is 00110637 and our sort code is 30-93-44.Thank you.
- If you do your online shopping through the Give As You Live website, a proportion of your spending goes to the Church.
- St Michael’s is registered with Amazon Smile. Please use there website when ordering through them.
If you have any questions, do ask us, we’ll be very glad to help you.
- We are always very grateful to those who leave a legacy to St Michael’s in their Will. More details are available here.
- Finally, if you are a UK income tax payer we can also claim Gift Aid on your donations. Please contact us and we will send you a Gift Aid declaration form.
We use the money we receive to be a parish church, putting into practice the Bible’s call to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
Whatever way you give, we appreciate your support!