We have a wide variety of midweek activities at St Michael’s, offering a range of opportunities for all ages to grow in Christian faith and fellowship.
House Groups
We have five house groups at St. Michael’s, which meet to study the Bible, pray together and encourage each other in our faith. Our five house groups meet fortnightly
- Tuesday evening
- Wednesday evening
- Thursday afternoon
- Thursday evening
- Friday lunchtime
New members are very welcome. Please contact us if you would like to join a house group or wish to find out more.
Fortnightly Prayer Meeting
Our Church family come together fortnightly on a Monday between 7pm and 8pm for a time of prayer . Please join us online via Zoom.
Discipleship Groups
We have discipleship small groups who meet together on a fortnightly basis. You don’t need to be a seasoned Christian to join in, just a hungry child of God who has recognised there’s something missing in your faith that isn’t being fulfilled in your church-life experience.
Fellowship Group
Fellowship group meets in the Chadwick Hall on the second Wednesday of each month, from 9:30am to 12 noon, and is led by Shirley Giess (01708 762804). The St Michael’s Fellowship (formerly Women’s Fellowship) was founded in 1992 to promote Christian Fellowship and friendship among the women of the parish. It is now open to everyone. The Fellowship’s motto is “Bring a Friend, Meet a Friend, Make a Friend.” Refreshments are available from 9:30am. Members often use this time to chat before the formal part of the meeting which commences at 10:10am. A typical meeting consists of notices, a ‘Thought for the Day’, followed by a guest speaker.
Intercessions Group
A meeting for prayer and intercession for the sick is held on the 2nd Monday of each month in a home. A list of names for the use of those who wish to pray for the sick in their own homes is updated bi-monthly and copies are available from Pat Burr. Please contact Pat (01708 725151) if you have any names you would wish to add to the list. A healing service is also held occasionally in church.