Serving Christ and sharing the Gospel

Bible study groups restart

We have 4  ‘house groups’ at St.Michael’s who meet together fortnightly to study the Bible together and encourage one another in our faith. This term we are following a set of studies in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, accompanied by DVD teaching produced by Don Carson and Kathleen Nielson. You can watch an introduction to the course here.

The Book of Nehemiah tells of God’s people returned from exile and rebuilding the broken-down city of Jerusalem. More than that, it tells of God’s people being rebuilt according to His Word. As we watch the leader Nehemiah direct the rebuilding, we’re watching the Lord God direct history according to His promises—all of which were fulfilled in the promised Christ who came from this people’s seed. This study of Nehemiah helps us understand our history as believers in Jesus Christ. It helps us learn to walk in faith according to God’s Word, even in times of weakness and rebuilding. Eight lessons draw us into the text, giving background and asking questions that lead us to make fruitful and personal observations. Through this study we peer into the dramatic story of God’s people sustained by God’s Word, at a crucial point in salvation history.

New members always welcome - please contact us if you wish to join one of our groups.