Serving Christ and sharing the Gospel

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vestibulum, nibh eu sollicitudin iaculis, magna orci egestas arcu, ut posuere lectus eros sed orci. Nullam augue ligula, porttitor id volutpat sed, ultrices id diam. Phasellus suscipit eget libero at porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam venenatis pellentesque egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam neque enim, elementum sed enim ac, consectetur dictum arcu. Suspendisse malesuada nisl ac tortor pretium imperdiet. Pellentesque ullamcorper at ipsum ut faucibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porta consectetur velit, vitae scelerisque enim lacinia nec. Nunc congue augue diam, a dapibus elit tristique et. Donec molestie egestas ligula sit amet mattis. Vestibulum scelerisque ac justo ut lobortis. Aenean dignissim ligula magna, non bibendum odio cursus at. Etiam urna lacus, egestas eu ligula at, sodales fermentum lorem. Donec sed nulla sapien. Donec imperdiet ultrices turpis ut commodo. Aliquam mollis massa sed sem eleifend, eu molestie eros malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed tristique turpis. Donec ipsum diam, vulputate in pretium id, molestie quis lacus. Nam in pretium velit, vel tristique ex. Sed dictum nunc nec volutpat posuere. Cras vehicula mollis sem non ultrices.

Gift Day

The St Michael’s Gift Day launches this Sunday 28th February. We all know that things always seem to go up in price. Staff costs, energy costs, building costs….. So the question is ‘Do we want to trim our sails or do we want to be ambitious?’ Generally we all want to be ambitious about things,…

#Prayer for the Nation - Month of Prayer

On Wednesday 4 November, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and Bishop of London called the Church of England to prayer for the nation throughout the month of November. At 6pm every day we invite you to join us in prayer. The topics will be published each day on our Facebook page and on our…

Light Party

Jesus said I am the light of the world - on 31st October this year join St Michael’s by celebrating the light and not the dark! All the children and youth have been provided with a Light Party pack. We can’t wait to see your design!

COVID Update

The Government have launched their new Track and Trace App and places of worship are required to display the QR code across our buildings. You will see the QR notice displayed on entry to the building please scan the app (if you can) to help trace and stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our Doors Are Open

On Sunday we went back to our building and it was lovely to see our family in Christ face to face. We are also streaming online. It was lovely to be able to worship together, to pray together and enjoy chatting afterwards, minding social distancing outside the church at the end of the service. We hope…


We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website: Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Amanda Clarke, who may be contacted on 07956 460493 or…